9.1 AMCs shall adopt an evaluation procedure for all employees covering competencies, performance assessment and professional development.
Degnon Associates has a commitment to performance evaluation of staff, whatever their category or level, through a formalized system.
The formal performance evaluation is designed to:
- Maintain or improve each employee’s job satisfaction and morale
- Serve as a guide for supervisors in planning each employee’s further training
- Consider opinion of an employee’s own performance
- Focus attention on achievement of assigned duties
- Determine and record special talents, skills and capabilities that might otherwise not be noticed or recognized
- Provide an opportunity for each employee to discuss job problems and interests with supervisor
- Determine the employee’s level of productivity, judgment, reliability and initiative
New employees have a review of performance after three months of employment. Each staff member has an annual review of performance with their supervisor. This calendar is kept with the HR Director. Ongoing feedback on performance occurs regularly.
A copy of the Preliminary Review – Progress Report and Personnel Evaluation Form is attached. (Attachment 9A)
9.2. AMCs shall provide periodic internal and/or external training and/or professional development to ensure functions of association management are completed professionally with use of current best practices. These functions include but are not limited to:
9.2.1 Process monitoring and control;
9.2.2 Data collection and analysis;
9.2.3 Performance improvement and corrective action
9.2.4 Teamwork, interaction and communications.
9.2.5 Financial management; meetings management, membership development; marketing, non-profit legal issues; and other functions basic to association management and services.
Employee training and development is a means to ensure that Degnon employees are adequately equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to perform well in their role. This may be achieved in a number of ways: attending classes; staff training sessions; mentoring; coaching; one-on-one training.
Each new employee at Degnon is given a basic orientation by the HR Director. The HR Director follows the New Employee Checklist which includes topics such as:
- How to use office equipment
- Use of computers and email
- Review of the Corporate Fact Book
- Review of Personnel Policies
- Client Billing Forms
- Time Sheets
- Personnel Policy
- AMCI Standards Orientation
Employees sign a statement that they have received and read all of the policies. The HR Director keeps a copy of all signed statements for each employee. The New Employee Checklist is attached. (Attachment 9B)
Each new employee will be trained on areas related to the specific association. This training will be conducted by the supervisor and other members working on the team for each association. Some training by other employees may also be provided. A list of Training Areas related to Specific Associations is attached. (Attachment 9C)
Degnon holds staff meetings at least monthly, that serve as a platform for education, training, and review. A list of topics to be covered and the schedule are attached (Attachment 9D). One section of the AMCI Standards is also presented at each staff meeting. The section is then discussed in small groups and finally staff is quizzed on that section and given a few review questions from other sections. (Attachment 9E).
In addition to the staff meetings, Degnon holds ‘Share’ sessions and ‘brown bag lunches’ in which a topic of interest is covered for additional training.
Supervisors are responsible for identifying training needs and encouraging their staff to participate in such training. Employees are provided time outside of the office to attend programs that support the role of the employee. Degnon pays for or reimburses employee for approved training. After the training is complete, it is expected that the employee will provide a review of the new information to the other employees in Degnon.
Individuals are responsible for identifying desirable training opportunities and organizational memberships to their supervisors based on their current job descriptions and career aspirations.
As the corporation purchases various training materials, they will be maintained in the library, under supervision of the office manager (books, dvds, cds and information sheets on a technical, managerial, interpersonal communication and association management topics). All employees have access to these materials and are encouraged to use these resources as needed.