12.1 AMCs shall adopt a schedule of internal audit quality control verification procedures to:
12.1.1 Determine whether performance complies with the AMCs written plans, procedures, and programs;
In order to determine that Degnon’s performance complies with written plans, procedures and programs, Degnon will:
- Conduct annual evaluations with each client, using the procedures outlined in Section 6, which involves a review with the Board of Directors and the senior Degnon Officer for that client to ensure goals and objectives of the client are being met or exceeded.
- Regularly review staff time sheets to determine if sufficient staff time is being applied to meet the client’s needs and to make adjustments, as necessary.
- Regularly review the billing sheets for each client to ensure billable items are being captured in a timely manner, that they are not excessive and that the billable items are not already within the scope of work as previously defined.
- Ensure that each major project (not already outlined within the scope of work) for a client has a project plan, followed by an evaluation (whether verbal or written) of the project to ensure the objectives were met. If appropriate, project will be reviewed at a monthly staff meeting so other team groups may benefit.
12.1.2 Validate the effectiveness of the AMCs corrective actions.
In addition to the steps outlined above, the corporate Officer will conduct a review to verify that corrective actions are taken and to determine that such corrective actions are effective. The Officer may also conduct informal surveys with the clients to get feedback on Degnon’s corrective actions. The initial review will be prepared by a third party in cooperation with the Executive Director and management teams of each group.
12.1.3 Confirm activities are appropriately planned;
Each client will be audited internally, by another group’s supervisor (and/or team members), ensuring that all clients are audited within a 3-year period.
Once every 4 years, Degnon will engage an independent auditor to perform an external audit, as required by AMCi for reaccreditation.
12.1.4 Ensure internal reviewers are independent of the procedures, CLIENT, and people being reviewed and external auditors are recognized independent entities;
Degnon staff will conduct the internal audits of processes and services and in all cases individual staff members will not be involved in auditor processes and procedures for which they are directly responsible, except to provide information and support for the audit team.
12.1.5 Demonstrate that quality control results, corrective actions, and corrective action results and consequences are appropriately recorded;
All audit and review procedures pertaining to observations, results and assessments will be recorded. Documentation notes will be signed and dated by the individual(s) conducting the audit and by those who were subjects of the review.
12.1.6 Verify quality control conclusions are discussed with the people whose activities and results are being audited, and deficiencies are corrected;
The client team that performs the audit will review the results with the Executive Director and team members of the client team being audited. When workloads permit, results will be reviewed with the entire Degnon staff as a training opportunity to identify areas of exceptional performance, as well as potential problem areas.
12.1.7 Affirm copies of the quality control reports are kept on file for future reference in accordance with the records retention policy, but for not less than four years.